Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Ancient History: General; Medieval History: General, 7th Century, 9th Century, 10th Century, 11th Century, 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century; Modern History: General, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century

[Info] Edwards, Natalie. »Confronting the Unspeakable: Rape Narrative from France and New Caledonia.« 56th Annual Conference of the Society for French Studies. Cardiff 2015.

G e n e r a l

[Info] Alcoff, Linda M. Rape and Resistance. Cambridge 2018.

[Info] Alexander, Emma. Tribal Customs and Laws. Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 254-257.

[Info] Bolz, Manuel, et al., org. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Rape and Revenge: Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022.

[Info] Brockman, Sonya L., chair. Literary Rape Culture. 2015 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2015.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Against our will. Men, women and rape. New York 1975.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Contro la nostra volont . Milan 1976.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Le viol. Paris 1976.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. V ldt kt. Stockholm 1977.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Voldtekt. Myter og fakta. Oslo 1977.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Gegen unseren Willen. Vergewaltigung und M nnerherrschaft. Frankfurt/ Main 1978.

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan. Contra nuestra voluntad. Hombres, mujeres y violaci n. Barcelona 1981.

[Info] Burns, Catherine. Why does the history of rape matter? 11th Annual Teach-In Public Lecture Series. Grahamstown 2013.

[Info] Cahill, Ann J. Foucault, Rape, and the Construction of the Feminine Body. Hypatia 15 (2000): 43-63.

[Info] Cahill, Ann J. Rethinking Rape. Ithaca 2001.

[Info] Chac n, Hilda, chair. Bonds of Trauma, Bonds of Love, and the Construction of Female Subjectivity. 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020.

[Info] Degen, Barbara. Gewalt, Recht, Gerechtigkeit: Poetische, rechtshistorische und rechtstheoretische Reflexionen. Vergewaltigung: Br che und Kontinuit ten in der kulturellen Codierung sexueller Gewalt in drei Jahrhunderten (18.-20. Jahrhundert). Bielefeld 2002.

[Info] Donaldson, Ian. The rapes of Lucretia. A myth and its transformations. Oxford 1982.

[Info] Duarte, Eugenio, et al. Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo. New Books in Psychology. New Books Network 2020.

[Info] Eagly, Alice H., et al. The Origins of Sex Differences in Human Behavior: Evolved Dispositions versus Social Roles. Evolution, Gender, and Rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 265-303.

[Info] Edwards, Katie M., et al. Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change. Sex Roles 65 (2011): 761-773.

[Info] Edwards, Katie M., et al. Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change. Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader. Fourth Edition. Edited by Mindy Stombler et al. New York 2013.

[Info] Fetz, Anita. Vergewaltigung. Krieg gegen Frauen. Emanzipation 8 (1982): 3-6.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. Continuities in Rape and Tyranny in Martial Societies from Antiquity Onward. Women in Antiquity: Real Women across the Ancient World. Edited by Stephanie L. Budin et al. London 2016: 1041-1056.

[Info] Hartmann, Heidi I., et al. Comment on "On writing the history of rape". Signs 3 (1978): 931-935.

[Info] Higgins, Lynn A., et al. Introduction: Rereading Rape. Rape and Representation. Edited by Lynn A. Higgins et al. New York 1991: 1-11.

[Info] Higgins, Lynn A., et al., eds. Rape and Representation. New York 1991.

[Info] Jenner, Elizabeth. Abduction (kipnapping). Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 1-2.

[Info] Khasan, Moh. From Textuality to Universality: The Evolution of Hir?bah Crimes in Islamic Jurisprudence. Al-J?mi ah 59 (2021): 1-31.

[Info] Koch, Angela. Die Verletzung der Gemeinschaft: Zur Relation der Wort- und Ideengeschichte von "Vergewaltigung". sterreichische Zeitschrift f r Geschichtswissenschaften 15 (2004): 37-56.

[Info] K nzel, Christine. Tat-Orte. Zum Verh ltnis von Raum, Geschlecht und Gewalt in Vergewaltigungsf llen. Geschlechter-R ume. Konstruktionen von "gender" in Geschichte, Literatur und Alltag. Edited by Margarete Hubrath. Cologne 2001: 266-277.

[Info] Künzel, Christine, et al, eds. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Göttingen 2024.

[Info] Künzel, Christine. »Rape-and-Revenge: Zwischen Selbstjustiz, Coping-Strategie und pädagogischer Mission. Eine Einführung.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 11-28.

[Info] Lubey, Kathleen. Response. 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2019.

[Info] Macpherson, Sandra, chair. Theorizing the New Rape Studies. 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2019.

[Info] Porter, Roy. Rape: Does it have a Historical Meaning? Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 216-236.

[Info] Quilter, Julia. From Raptus to Rape: A History of the 'Requirements' of Resistance and Injury. law&history 2 (2015): 89-113.

[Info] Ro manith, Sigrun. T terin: Gewalt- und Sexualstraftaten von Frauen. Berlin 2020.

[Info] Ruiz Harrel, Rafael. The concept of rape in history. Voices of Mexico No. 16 (1991): 21-27.

[Info] Sanday, Peggy R. The socio-cultural context of rape. Journal of social issues 37 (1981): 5-27.

[Info] Sanday, Peggy R. The socio-cultural context of rape. New society (1982): 540-542.

[Info] Sanday, Peggy R. The socio-cultural context of rape. Australian (1982).

[Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Vergewaltigung: Aspekte eines Verbrechens. Hamburg 2016.

[Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo. London 2019.

[Info] Sanyal, Mithu M. Vergewaltigung: Aspekte eines Verbrechens. Hamburg 2020.

[Info] Scarsella, Lara. Dovere di stupro. La cultura della violenza sessuale nella storia. Rome 1992.

[Info] Shorter, Edward. On writing the history of rape. Signs 3 (1977): 471-482.

[Info] Smith, Merril D., ed. Encyclopedia of rape. Westport 2004.

[Info] Smith, Merril D., ed. Encyclopedia of Rape and Sexual Violence Santa Barbara 2018.

[Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. From Lucretia to #MeToo. Talking Research (October 2, 2019).

[Info] Spampinato, Erin, chair. Daring Second Glances: Rereading the Rape Narrative. 48th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Baltimore 2017.

[Info] Sugino, Allison L. Vox Passorum: Rape narratives from Livy s Ab Urbe Condita to today. B.A. Thesis, Vassar College, 2018.

[Info] Tabori, Paul. The Social History of Rape. London 1971.

[Info] Thierauf, Doreen. Rape as Academic Inheritance. 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2019.

[Info] Tomaselli, Sylvana. Introduction. Rape. An historical and social enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 1-15.

[Info] Tomaselli, Sylvana, et al., eds. Rape. An historical and social enquiry. Oxford 1986.

[Info] Tomaselli, Sylvana, et al., eds. Estrupo. Rio de Janeiro 1992.

[Info] Vandermassen, Griet. Evolution and Rape: A Feminist Darwinian Perspective. Sex Roles 64 (2011): 732-747.

[Info] Wahl, Gustav. Zur Geschichte des Wortes Notzucht. Zeitschrift f r Deutsche Wortforschung 9 (1907): 7-18.

[Info] Wall, Kathleen. The Callisto myth from Ovid to Atwood. Initiation and rape in literature. Kingston 1988.

[Info] Zitin, Abigail. A Whore s Vengeance: Of Rape Accusation and Witch Hunts. 48th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Baltimore 2017.

[Info] Zuckerberg, Donna. He Said, She Said: The Mythical History of the False Rape Allegation. Jezebel (July 30, 2015).

M e d i e v a l   H i s t o r y

General History

[Info] Gulley, Alison, ed. Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom: Approaches to Difficult Texts. Leeds 2018.

[Info] Rydel, Courtney E. Critiquing Rape Culture in Saint Winifred s Passion. 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020.

[Info] Rydel, Courtney E. Critiquing Rape Culture in Saint Winifred s Passion. 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Virtual 2021.

[Info] Serrano Ruano, Delfina. Doctrina legal isl mica sobre el delito de violaci n: Escuela Malik (ss. VII XV). Mujeres y Sociedad Isl mica: Una Visi n Plural. Edited by Mar a I. Calero Secall. M laga 2006: 145-172.

[Info] Serrano, Delfina. Rape in Maliki Legal Doctrine and Practice (8th-15th Centuries C.E.). Hawwa 5 (2007): 166-207.

[Info] Tareen, SherAli, et al. Sexual Violation in Islamic Law: Substance, Evidence, and Procedure. New Books in Islamic Studies New Books Network 2015.

Arabis History

[Info] Lagrange, Fr d ric. Modern Arabic Literature and the Disappearance of Mujun: Same-Sex Rape as a Case Study. The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: Essays in honour of Professor Geert Jan van Gelder. Edited by Adam Talib et al. 2014: 230-253.

European History

[Info] Bychowski, M.W. The Rape of Silence: Transgender and the Romance of Abuse. 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020.

[Info] Cahoon, Leslie. Proserpina and Philomela: The Afterlife of Two Ovidian Rapes. 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1992.

[Info] Cubero, Jos . La femme et le soldat: Viols et violences de guerre du Moyen hg ge nos jours. Paris 2012.

[Info] Curry, Anne. The Theory and Practice of Female Immunity in the Medieval West. The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Curry, Anne. The Theory and Practice of Female Immunity in the Medieval West. Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 173-188.

[Info] Ebel, Else. Sittlichkeitsdelikte. Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 28. Edited by Heinrich Beck et al. Berlin 2005.

[Info] Eder, Franz X. Eros, Wollust, S nde: Sexualit t in Europa von der Antike bis in die Fr he Neuzeit. Frankfurt/Main 2018.

[Info] Glendinning, Eleanor. Reinventing Lucretia: Rape, Suicide and Redemption from Classical Antiquity to the Medieval Era. International Journal of the Classical Tradition (2013).

[Info] Harris, Carissa M. Negotiating Survival: Women s Strategies of Resistance in Premodern Rape Lyrics. 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2019.

[Info] Henningfeld, Diane A. Rape in Arthurian Literature: Legal and Cultural Contexts. 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1992.

[Info] Hopwood, Keith. Byzantine princesses and lustful Turks. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 231-242.

[Info] Jestice, Phyllis G. "To see the daughters of the land": The Rape of Dinah and the Exegesis of Monastic Reform. 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1997.

[Info] K mper, Hiram. Did Medieval Canon Law Invent Our Modern Notion of Rape? Revisiting the Idea of Consent Before and After 1200. Law and Marriage in Medieval and Early Modern Times. Edited by Per Andersen et al. Copenhagen 2012: 127-138.

[Info] K mper, Hiram. Wann wurde Notzucht ein Sexualverbrechen? Konzepte sexueller Gewalt, ihre Judizierungs- und Historisierungsh rden. Tabu, Trauma und Triebbefriedigung. Aspekte erlittener und geschauter Gewalt. Edited by Andrea Penz et al. Graz 2012: 136-171.

[ [Info] Corr in, Donnchadh. Women and the Law in Early Ireland. Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women s Status in Church, State and Society. Edited by Mary O Dowd et al. Belfast 1995: 45-57.

[Info] Oliver, Lisi. Forced and Unforced Rape in Early Irish Law. Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 13 (1993): 93-106.

[Info] Raae, Hanne-Mette A. The Representation in Old Irish Law Texts of the Legal Position of Women in Early Medieval Ireland as regards the Ownership of Property. Ph.D. Thesis, National University of Ireland at Galway, 2013.

[Info] Saar, St. Chr. Notzucht. Lexikon des Mittelalters. Vol. 6. Edited by Norbert Angermann et al. Munich 1993: 1298-1299.

[Info] Seagroatt, Heather. The Language and Literature of Rape. 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1992.

[Info] Virtue, Nancy E. A New Look at Medieval Rape Legislation. The Role of Women in the Middle Ages: A Reassessment. Binghamton 1992.

[Info] von Schwerin, Claudius. Notzucht. Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 3. Edited by Johannes Hoops. Stra burg 1915-16: 347.

[Info] Wallace, Ashley N. Jeopardized Virginity an Analysis of Rape and Spiritual Virginity in Medieval Europe. M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2015

[Info] Woods, Marjorie C. Rape Images in the Medieval Rhetorical Classroom. Federation of North Texas Area Universities Rhetoric Symposium. Denton 1995.

English History

[Info] Baechle, Sarah, et al.,eds. Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature: With an Edition of Middle English and Middle Scots Pastourelles. University Park, PA, 2022.

[Info] Carrell, Jessica. Indicted Knights: Female Agnecy and the Adjudication of Rape in Arthurian Romances. 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020.

[Info] Jager, Katharine W. Our Very Moder in Kynde, of Our First Makyng : Bodily Sovereignty and the Problematics of Rape. 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2017.

[Info] Leach, Katherine. The Animality of Man: Rape, Incest, and Procreation in the Mabinogion. 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2014.

[Info] MacFarlane, Bruce A. Historical Development of the Offence of Rape. 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code. Edited by Josiah Wood et al. Ottawa 1993: 1-79.

French History

[Info] Gravdal, Kathryn. Camouflaging Rape: The Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in the Medieval Pastourelle. Romanic Review 76 (1985): 361-373.

[Info] Gravdal, Kathryn. The Poetics of Rape Law in Medieval France. Rape and Representation. Edited by Lynn A. Higgins et al. New York 1991: 207-226.

[Info] Sidhu, Nicole N. Rape Cultures in Medieval France. 2015 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2015.

Icelandic History

[Info] Gade, Kari E. Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature. Scandinavian Studies 58 (1986): 124-141.

[Info] Gade, Kari E. Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature. History of Homosexuality in Europe and America. Edited by Wayne R. Dynes et al. New York 1992: 114-131.

Norwegisn History

[Info] Gade, Kari E. Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature. Scandinavian Studies 58 (1986): 124-141.

[Info] Gade, Kari E. Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature. History of Homosexuality in Europe and America. Edited by Wayne R. Dynes et al. New York 1992: 114-131.

Spanish History

[Info] Assis, Yom T. Sexual Behaviour in Mediaeval Hispano-Jewish Society. Jewish History: Essays in Honour of Chimen Abramsky. Edited by Ada Rapoport-Albert et al. London 1988: 25-59.

[Info] Assis, Yom T. El comportament sexual en la societat hispanojueva de l edat mitjana. Tamid 3 (2000-01): 7-47.

[Info] Winer, Rebecca L. Rape, Seduction, and the Law: The Case of Causida de Vernet. 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1996.

Scottish History

[Info] Baechle, Sarah, et al.,eds. Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature: With an Edition of Middle English and Middle Scots Pastourelles University Park, PA, 2022.

M o d e r n   H i s t o r y

Austrian History

Austrian History

[Info] Zinser, Heidelinde. 201 StGB Vergewaltigung: Rechtsgeschichtlicher Hintergrund und Vergleich mit anderen Rechtssystemen. Diplomarbeit, Karl-Franzens-Universit t Graz, 2001.

English History

[Info] Mahaffy, Caitlin. Coy Consent(?). Reading Rape in Early Modern English Poetry. Indiana University Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Bloomington 2019.

[Info] Pallotti, Donatella. "A most detestable crime": Representations of Rape in the Popular Press of Early Modern England. LEA 1 (2012): 287-302.

German History

[Info] Zorn, Mechthild. ...darum, da er sie geschw cht hat: Ein trauriges Kapitel Rechtsgeschichte. Courage 5 (1980): 22-23.

Swiss History

[Info] Matter, Sonja. Stupro. e-DSS. Edited by Marco Jorio et al. Bern 2012.

[Info] Matter, Sonja. Viol. e-DHS. Edited by Marco Jorio et al. Bern 2012.

[Info] Matter, Sonja. Vergewaltigung. e-HLS. Edited by Marco Jorio et al. Bern 2013.

Spanish History

[Info] Hurtado Mu oz, Vicente. El delito de estupro en el Derecho espa ol hist rico y vigente: cr tica del c digo actual. Tesis in dita, Madrid, 1945.